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Chromium Controller 10x Genomics

Chromium Controller 10x Genomics

  • Business / Industry Type Medical
    Type Of Service Provider Company
    List No. r
    Power 220v
    Application Laboratory
    Installation NA
    Warranty 1 year
    Function STD

    Product Description


    Compact, sleek, efficient. The compact, sleek Chromium Controller rapidly and efficiently combines large partition numbers with a massively diverse barcode library to generate >100,000 barcode-containing partitions in a matter of minutes. The Chromium Controller fits on a standard laboratory bench and allows a user to run any Chromium Solution, from genome to single cell analysis.

  • List number: - R

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Inorbvict HealthcareIndiaPvt。 Ltd.は、トレーダー、再販業者、再生業者のみです。

INORBVICT HEALTHCAREINDIAPVT。株式会社Office No 311、3階、Xionモール、コートヤードマリオット、ヒンジャワディ、プネ、マハラシュトラ州の近く-411012


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